Unable to remove permissions in vCenter Permissions tab

The “Remove Permission” operation failed for the entity with following error message. The object or item referred to could not be found.
User get added get added to vCenter server even after deleting the user
1.    Click Start > Run on the vCenter Server
2.    Type services.msc and click OK.
3.    Right-click the VMware VirtualCenter Server service and select Stop.
4.    Open SQL Server Management Studio.
5.    In the Server name field, enter the name of the SQL server where the vCenter Server database is hosted.
6.    Authenticate with an account that has database owner (dbo) permissions to the the vCenter Server database.
7.    Click Databases.
8.    Click the vCenter Server database.
9.    Click Tables
10.  Right-click the dbo.VPX_Access table and select Open table.
11.  Delete the user in Question 
12.  Start vCenter Service 

Backup plan would be snapshot on vCenter and SQL server 

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