Determine any LUNs in an All-Paths-Down (APD) state on an ESXi/ESX host

1. Open a console to the ESXi/ESX host. 

2. Use the esxcfg-mpath command to obtain a list of all device paths, and filter by their State:

# esxcfg-mpath --list-paths --device <device mpx/naa name> | grep state

If you do not know the problem device ID or you have many devices it may be more efficient to use this command to identify the dead paths:

# esxcfg-mpath -b |grep -C 1 dead

3. If any path reports the State dead, but other paths to the same device report the state Up, perform a rescan to remove the stale device entries.

4. If every path to a LUN reports a State of dead, then the LUN is in an All-Paths-Down state.

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