Import ESXi image into UIMP


1. Download the OS installation media to the /tmp directory. If applicable to the operating system, make sure you download the operating system installation media with add-ons. For example, in the case of Red Hat, make sure you download the Enterprise version and not the Standard version, otherwise the add-ons will not be installed.

2. To load the media onto the appliance, run the script, located in the /opt/ionix-uim/tools/ directory. 

For example:

/opt/ionix-uim/tools/ /tmp/<OS_installation_filename>

3. (Optional) When the load is complete, delete the OS installation media from the appliance, by running the script, located in the /opt/ionix-uim/tools/ directory. 

For example:


When prompted, select the OS installation media to be deleted.

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